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datingTheatre Freelancer!

I am a theatre lighting programmer and designer. I love what I do. I have a habit of working very lo ...
...read more about MilesF101

Prateek has zapped his profile in here from his Facebook account and is going to get round to writ ...
...read more about Prateek-2
datingThings and stuff

Stuff and things
...read more about Liveintrepidly
datingThere's more to life... right?

Hey, the name is John. A kind, honest guy with a huge amount of love and affection to give. yet ...
...read more about PaganDragon
datingMaking the world a more wildlife conscious place,

Outdoorsy, Left-leaning ecologist and environmentalist, avid reader, lover of cooking, history and g ...
...read more about Eco_Andy

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18-35  30-44  45+     18-35  30-44  45+
Updated! 9:44AM
..SELECT TOP 6 Username, Headline, Description, Photo, PhotoMember, PhotoID, Occupation, Town, Gender, DOB,WL from tbl_People WHERE MemStatus = 'A' AND bPrivacy1 = 0 AND PhotoMember = 1 AND Photo = 1 and country = 'UK' AND LikesAnimals <> 'N' AND (LikesAnimals = 'O' or tbl_people.Username in (select tbl_people2.Username from tbl_people2 where Pets is not null and pets <>'')) AND DOB > '1988-4-18' AND Gender = 'M' and not (p15 =1 and wL <> 'PP') and Orientation='H' Order By DateReg DESC