PetLovers >Everyone
PetsPartnersAndPals - Find Love & Friendship for Pet Lovers in UKPetsPartnersAndPals - Find Love & Friendship for Pet Lovers in UK PetsPartnersAndPals - Find Love & Friendship for Pet Lovers in UKPetsPartnersAndPals - Find Love & Friendship for Pet Lovers in UK

>>> more women      >>> more men
18-35  30-44  45+     18-35  30-44  45+


Coming soon...

Prateek has zapped his profile in here from his Facebook account and is going to get round to writ more about Prateek-2


Things and stuff

Stuff and more about Liveintrepidly


There's more to life... right?

Hey, the name is John. A kind, honest guy with a huge amount of love and affection to give. yet more about PaganDragon


Making the world a more wildlife conscious place,

Outdoorsy, Left-leaning ecologist and environmentalist, avid reader, lover of cooking, history and g more about Eco_Andy
>>> more women      >>> more men
18-35  30-44  45+     18-35  30-44  45+

Updated! 12:53AM

SELECT TOP 5 tbl_People.*, TBL_People2.Username FROM tbl_People INNER JOIN tbl_People2 ON tbl_People.Username = tbl_People2.Username WHERE MemStatus = 'A' AND bPrivacy1 = 0 AND PhotoMember = 1 AND Photo = 1 AND LikesAnimals <> 'N' AND (LikesAnimals = 'O' or tbl_people.Username in (select tbl_people2.Username from tbl_people2 where Pets is not null and pets <>'')) AND DOB > '1988-4-19' AND Gender = 'M' and not (p15 =1 and wL <> 'PP') and Orientation='H' Order By DateReg DESC